How to use this site

This site contains tutorials for Project Spark and an Encyclopedia of Brain Tiles. There is also a link to the Project Spark Archive which has a catalogue of Community made games that were recorded on YouTube.

You can search for tutorials using the Tutorial Index. Each tutorial is catalogued according to its type. Click on the header to see the list for that type of tutorial. All tutorials are rated for difficulty.

You can also search for keywords, authors, etc, in the Search box for any particular tutorial. The Project Spark Archive is on a different website with its own search facility for games, you cannot find tutorials on that site or games on the tutorial site.

Some are from the 2015-2016 School of Kode website, some are from the Project Spark Community Forum, and some are new. If you have requests for a tutorial then please leave a comment. I will try my best to help – though I cannot guarantee I will be able to come up with a solution for every request.

Encyclopedia of Brain Tiles
Every effort has been made to have explanations for all the brain tiles in Project Spark, but some tiles do not have explanations for them, as Team Dakota did not provide one, and I cannot figure them out. If you have knowledge as to how the tiles without explanations are used then please post in the comments of that brain tile page. I will add your description to the page. Some people helped with the original site in this way, but their input has been lost due to the copying and pasting process not transferring their comments. I appreciate everyone who helped on the original site. Thank you all.

Project Spark Archive
This website contains a catalogue of games that have been featured in “lets plays”, montages, reviews and “making of” videos. More are being added every day. If you have a video you want added you can request on the site.

Discuss Project Spark here. Ideal for asking for tutorial help. Register to post.

Kode Shorthand

Throughout this website I will be using a form of shorthand to describe lines of kode. This makes it easier and quicker for me to produce tutorials than painstakingly creating kode, taking a screenshot, uploading it to my one drive, editing it in Photoshop and then pasting it here. Although it may look odd to you at first you will get used to it. Here is a guide on how to read it.

All lines will contain:


If a line is indented it will look like this


If a line is indented twice it will look like this:


all tiles are written with [ brackets ]

WHEN [interacted] DO [power on]

Variables are written like this

numvar or #: number variable

boolvar: boolean variable

objvar: object variable

textvar: text variable

colorvar: colour variable

vectorvar: vector variable

text: text string

objset: object set

page: a text variable that is a page name

How an object is picked will either be from the gallery, from the world or as an icon

icon: choose from icon gallery

prop: choose from prop, character or assembly gallery

sound: choose from the sound effect gallery

fx: choose from the special effect gallery

IWP: In world picker

// is for notes – they are not kode instructions



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